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Writing Samples

Saving Seas and People: MPAs in Calapan City

This ArcGIS StoryMap covers the successes and struggles of locally managed marine protected areas in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro in the Philippines. I presented this to the National Geographic Society and The Nature Conservancy during my externship under Paragon One. A translated version in Filipino is also available in the site. 

Newsletters of Blue Alliance

I wrote these 3 newsletters of Blue Alliance, a marine conservation NGO co-managing MPAs in North Oriental Mindoro. I do the write-up, layout, and publishing using Mailchimp.

Thesis: From the field or lab to our own homes

I conducted interviews and wrote this article about how Biology and Life Sciences majors are completing their thesis studies in the middle of a pandemic.



I made this Tableau Dashboard (using Tableau Prep Builder and Desktop) with groupmates for our Data Visualization class. I made the write-up, generated some of the viz, and finalized the layout design.


Other written works from HELIX

HELIX is the official publication of the Ateneo Biological Organization – eXplore. eXperience. eXcel. (BOx). I contributed there as a writer in 2019-2020 and eventually as the Editor-in-Chief the following year.

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